Our Environmental Certifications

Building material emissions classification M1

As a result of their natural composition, LION BoardsTM are safe, easy to work with and live with, in home and work interiors. They easily meet the most demanding emissions classification standard for building materials, M1.

Wood consists of cellulose fibres, bound together by its own strong agglutination agent, lignin. Usually wood is 20-30% lignin, which gives it its typical yellowish colour and hard wood-like structure. It is the large amount of lignin in wood that distinguishes it from grass-stemmed plants.

In the manufacturing process for LION BoardsTM, the lignin in the wood is utilised very efficiently. Thanks to their low content of adhesives and natural composition, LION BoardsTM qualify for the cleanest M1 classification; they are safe, reliable and high-quality.

Thanks to its purity, LION BoardsTM can be safely used indoors. A good indoor climate requires attention to internal air quality issues, at all stages of design, construction and use. Its final quality is affected by the building materials used indoors, in addition to other factors.

The emissions classification of building materials presents requirements for materials used in normal working and living spaces from a point of view of good internal air quality. The M1 label is an indication of low emissions.

In classification, building materials are divided into three classes, of which M1 is the best. The M1 label indicates that the product has been tested in an independent laboratory, and that, in standardised test conditions, it has met the standards set for M1 class over a four-week period. Our certification for this can be found here

From certified forests:PEFC and FSC® (FSC-C134930)

The best-known and most widely-used forest certification systems are PEFC and FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council). Both systems promote the economic, social and environmental management of forests, but emphasise them in different ways. Finland has about 16,5 million hectares of PEFC-certified forest and about 1,3 million hectares of FSC®-certified forest.

The raw material for LION BoardTM comes primarily from PEFC – its progress can be monitored from the forest all the way to the finished board.

Finnish Fibreboard Ltd has been granted DNV Business Assurance Finland Oy Ab Chain of Custody certificates for PEFC no. DNVFI-PEFC-COC-000038, and FSC® nro. DNV-COC-001453, DNV-CW-001453.

PEFC is an international forest certification system, which promotes ecologically, socially and economically sustainable forestry all over the world. The system is a guarantee for purchasers of wood and paper that the raw material originates from sustainably managed forests.

Finnish Fibreboard Ltd. is committed to follow the requirements of PEFC and FSC®. According to the responsible purchase policy of all raw materials company commits itself to following priciples:

  • the protection of ecologically important forest areas
  • the preservation of biodiversity
  • the banning of genetically-modified vegetation in forest management
  • respect for the rights of workers
  • showing consideration for local manpower
  • interaction with local residents and interest groups
  • respect for traditional rights of land use and local customs

Finnish Fibreboard Ltd. shall not knowingly be directly or indirectly involved in the following unacceptable activities:

  • Illegal logging or trade in illegal wood or forest products
  • Violation of traditional and human rights in forestry operations
  • Destruction of high conservation values in forestry operations
  • Significant conversion of forests to plantations or non-forest use

WWF Scorecard

View Finnish Fibreboard (UK) Ltd’s performance on sustainable timber and timber products in the WWF-UK Timber Scorecard 2017 here

WWF-UK recently ran a Forest Campaign and has an ongoing programme of work to raise awareness of the importance of responsible forest trade. To assess whether the UK is seeing improved company performance in securing timber and timber products from responsible sources, WWF needed to measure the progress of timber and timber product buyers in the UK on sustainable sourcing. WWF believes that transparency on these issues is an integral feature of a responsible company, and we have therefore awarded points to companies that make the information publicly available.

Read here to find out more about WWF

FSC® Chain of Custody



