Building material emissions classification M1
As a result of their natural composition, LION BoardsTM are safe, easy to work with and live with, in home and work interiors. They easily meet the most demanding emissions classification standard for building materials, M1.
Wood consists of cellulose fibres, bound together by its own strong agglutination agent, lignin. Usually wood is 20-30% lignin, which gives it its typical yellowish colour and hard wood-like structure. It is the large amount of lignin in wood that distinguishes it from grass-stemmed plants.
In the manufacturing process for LION BoardsTM, the lignin in the wood is utilised very efficiently. Thanks to their low content of adhesives and natural composition, LION BoardsTM qualify for the cleanest M1 classification; they are safe, reliable and high-quality.
Thanks to its purity, LION BoardsTM can be safely used indoors. A good indoor climate requires attention to internal air quality issues, at all stages of design, construction and use. Its final quality is affected by the building materials used indoors, in addition to other factors.
The emissions classification of building materials presents requirements for materials used in normal working and living spaces from a point of view of good internal air quality. The M1 label is an indication of low emissions.
In classification, building materials are divided into three classes, of which M1 is the best. The M1 label indicates that the product has been tested in an independent laboratory, and that, in standardised test conditions, it has met the standards set for M1 class over a four-week period. Our certification for this can be found here